


Algorithms » History » Revision 8

Revision 7 (Greg Burri, 07/31/2009 10:00 AM) → Revision 8/35 (Greg Burri, 08/01/2009 05:23 PM)

h1. Algorithms 

 h2. Searching 

 For a functional description see here : [[Functional definition#The-search-window]] 


 h2. Peer ID 

 Each peer owns a peer id which is unique and generated during the first start. This ID is used to identify a peer, it's better than the previous usage of peer IP, considering this situation : 

 * _A_ put in queue a file entry _f_ from _B_, _B_ doesn't know the hashes of this file entry. 
 * _B_ change his IP address. 
 * _A_ want to download _f_, it can ask _B_ for the hashes even _B_'s IP changed. 

 h2. Core threads 

 There are three kind of threads in the core : 
 * Downloading thread : @DownloadManager::ChunkDownloader@ 
 * Uploading thread : @UploadManager::Uploader@ 
 * Updating file cache thread : @FileManager::FileUpdater@ 


 h2. Downloading 

 See here : [[Protocol_core-core#Downloading-threads]]