


Protocol core-core Version 3 » History » Revision 17

Revision 16 (Greg Burri, 07/07/2009 09:10 PM) → Revision 17/73 (Greg Burri, 07/07/2009 11:44 PM)

h1. Protocols 

 This page describes the protocols used by Aybabtu for network communication between cores and between core and GUI. 

 h2. Core <-> Core 

 see source:protos/network_protocol.proto. 

 h3. Parameters 

 Most parameters will be stored as constants in their component. 

 |_.Name|_.Value |_.Unit|_.Explanation/Comments| 
 | _ChunkSize_ | 33554432 | [Byte] | (32 MB) | 
 | _LanSpeed_ | 52428800 | [Byte/s] | (50 MB/s) | 
 | _TimeRecheckChunkFactor_ | 4 | - | If the time to download a chunk exceeds _TimeRecheckChunkFactor_ * _ChunkSize_ ChunkSize / _LanSpeed_ LanSpeed then the peers are rescanned to choose a better one (better download rate). For example : 4 * 32 / 50 = 2.6 second | 
 | _SwitchToAnotherPeerFactor_ | 1.5 | - | During the recheck of the peers to choose a better one the other download rate must be above the current * 1.5. _SwitchToAnotherPeerFactor_ | 
 | _DownloadRateValidTime_ | 1500 / _LanSpeed_ = 300 s | [s] | (5 min). The download rate of a peer is only valid during this time after its last update. After that its rate is set it's equals to the maximum. |  
 | _TimeBetweenChunksUpdate_ | 500 / _LanSpeed_ = 10 s | [s] | Each 10 s a daemon will scan the _NumberOfChunkToUpdate_ first chunks from the first queued downloads to know which peer has which chunk. | 
 | _NumberOfChunkToUpdate_ | 100 * _LanSpeed_ / _ChunkSize_ = 156 | - | The first 156 chunks (3 kB) will by send periodically to each peer. | 

 h2. Core <-> GUI