


Thank you for your nice tool... how i use it. ( my honw experience)

Added by Jean marc Cierniewski about 10 years ago

Hello all.
Just for your information, i use D-lan to share very big files in a computer classroom.
i can share a 30 gb bunch of file to 20 computers in 2-3 houres using 100mb lan.
it's a very very impressive software, far faster than folder share or FTP.
I hope this software will continue to be "live"...
Thanks again.

Replies (3)

RE: Thank you for your nice tool... how i use it. ( my honw experience) - Added by Greg Burri about 10 years ago

Thank you. I wish to have some time to release the next version! There is already a lot of work done, you can see the changes not yet released here : (for fun).

RE: Thank you for your nice tool... how i use it. ( my honw experience) - Added by Jean marc Cierniewski almost 10 years ago

is there someboddy here ?
is the soft alive ?
when are you going to release the new version.
best regards
