


Installation » History » Revision 8

Revision 7 (Greg Burri, 11/23/2008 02:08 PM) → Revision 8/9 (Greg Burri, 11/15/2013 10:43 AM)

h1. Installation 

 * This guide is based on a Debian distribution. 
 * The euphorik root directory is "/var/euphorik" (for example) 
 * All line beginning with a '$' is a command line in the *System shell* 
 * All line beginning with a '>' is a command line in the *Erlang shell* 
 * You can start euphorik in development mode with "$cd /var/euphorik/tools ; ./" 

 See [[node management]] for more informations about executing commands in a remote shell. 

 # Install Yaws 
 ## <pre>$apt-get install yaws</pre> 
 # Build Euphorik 
 ## <pre>$cd /var/euphorik/modules ; make</pre> 
 # Install Yaws 
 ## <pre>$apt-get install yaws</pre> 
 # Configure Yaws (for production use) 
 ## The virtual server looks like that in "/etc/yaws/conf.avail/euphorik.conf".<pre> 
    ebin_dir = /var/euphorik/modules/ebin 
    include_dir = /var/euphorik/modules/include 
    <server localhost> 
       port = 8081 
       listen = 
       docroot = /var/euphorik 
       allowed_scripts = [yaws] 
       appmods = <request, euphorik_requests> 
       start_mod = euphorik_daemon 
 ## Make a symlink in "conf.d" with <pre>$cd /etc/yaws/conf.d/ ; ln -s "/etc/yaws/conf.avail/euphorik.conf"</pre> 
 ## Edit the file '/etc/init.d/yaws' and substitue the following line <pre>script="$DAEMON -I $YAWS_ID $@"</pre> by this one <pre>$DAEMON --sname yaws --mnesiadir \"/var/euphorik/BD\" -I $YAWS_ID $@</pre> 
 # Initialize the database 
 ## The directory "/var/euphorik/BD" must be writable for the yaws user 
 ## Stop Yaws (in root) 
 ### <pre>$/etc/init.d/yaws stop</pre> 
 ## Launch an Erlang Node 
 ### <pre>$cd /var/euphorik/module/ebin</pre> 
 ### <pre>$erl -sname yaws -mnesia dir /euphorik/var/BD</pre> 
 ## Load the module : <pre>>l(euphorik_bd_admin).</pre> 
 ## Make the DB :<pre>>euphorik_bd_admin:create().</pre> 
 ## Start Yaws : <pre>$/etc/init.d/yaws start</pre>