Protocol core-core Version 3 » History » Revision 63
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Greg Burri, 04/05/2011 10:03 PM
Protocol core-core¶
This page describes the protocol used by D-LAN for network communication between cores.
See source:application/Protos/core_protocol.proto for message details.
Most parameters will be stored as constants in their component. The given values below are just for illustrate with an example, they will be defined in a empiric manner later.
Name | Value | Unit | Explanation/Comments |
ChunkSize | 67108864 | [Byte] | (64 MB) |
LanSpeed | 52428800 | [Byte/s] | (50 MB/s) |
TimeRecheckChunkFactor | 4 | - | If the time to download a chunk exceeds TimeRecheckChunkFactor * ChunkSize / LanSpeed the peers are rescanned to choose a better one (better download rate). For example : 4 * 64 / 50 = 5 second |
SwitchToAnotherPeerFactor | 1.5 | - | During the recheck of the peers to choose a better one the download rate of the candidate must be above the current * 1.5. |
DownloadRateValidTime | 1500 / LanSpeed = 30 s | [s] | The download rate of a peer is only valid during this time after its last update. After that its rate is set to the maximum. |
IMAliveFrequency | 10 s | [s] | The message IMAlive is sent each 10s. |
NbDownloadThread | 3 | - | Number of concurrent downloading thread. |
BufferSize | 65535 | [Byte] | (64 KiB). This buffer is used when reading or writing a file. |
TCPSocketBufferSize | 65535 | [Byte] | (64 KiB). Used when data are received. See QAbstractSocket::setReadBufferSize. |
TCPPeerConnectionKeepAlive | 60 | [s] | (1 min). There's can be one or more connection to a certain peer, these connections are kept alive for a period of time. For each known peer there is a pool of connection. |
Updated by Greg Burri almost 14 years ago · 73 revisions