Tests » History » Revision 2
Revision 1 (Greg Burri, 03/07/2012 12:19 PM) → Revision 2/4 (Greg Burri, 03/07/2012 11:29 PM)
h1. Tests h2. TestsCore The goal here is to simulate many cores interact together. h3. Directory hierarchy <pre> $/AppData/Temp/D-LAN CoreTests/ c1/ c2/ .. c1/SharedDirs/ c1/settings/ c1/logs </pre> h3. Actions Here is the possible action a core stub can do. * Define a random nick * Create a directory in a random location in @/SharedDirs/@. Randomly add it to the shared directories (maybe 1% of chance). If the directory is in the root add it to the shared directories. * Remove a directory physically in @/SharedDirs/@ (it can't be a shared dir) * Remove a shared directory then delete the corresponding physical directory * Create a file. The size is a random number from 1 to 1Go. Fill it with random data from a seed taken in a predefined set (like 1-50). * Remove a file. * Rename a file or a directory (it can't be a shared dir) * Mix up the shared directories * Send random characters on the chat * Browse a random directory from a random peer and download a random item (file or directory) in a random shared directory. * Search some random words and download a random item in a random shared directory * Remove complete download * Remove a random download (it can be downloading or complete) * Move on or more downloads in a random position