


Tools » History » Revision 20

Revision 19 (Greg Burri, 11/14/2010 09:06 PM) → Revision 20/23 (Greg Burri, 12/15/2010 06:16 PM)

h1. Tools 

 h2. IDE (Integrated development environment) 

 * _Qt Creator_, see [[Libraries#Qt]] 

 h2. Source control. 

 * _git_ 

 h3. Scripting 

 * "bash 4": 

 h2. Project management 

 * "Redmine": 

 h2. Source code documentation generator  

 * _Doxygen_ 

 h2. _Protocol buffers_ compiler. 
 * _protoc_ is a tool from _Protocol buffers_ using to compile the _.proto_ files into cpp/h files. See [[Libraries#Protobuf]] 

 h2. Install system 

 * "Inno Setup": (+ispack) 

 h2. Space profiling (memory) 

 * "Valgrind": 

 h2. Time profiling (CPU) 

 * The option profiling option '-pg' for gcc. 
 * gprof 

 h2. Code coverage 

 * gcov 

 h2. Code metrics 

 * "CLOC": 

 Or "Callgrind": 

 h2. Vectorial graphics. 

 Using to make logo, icons, etc.. 

 * "Inkscape":