Defect #221
Can't serialize message of type "Protos.GUI.Language" because it is missing required fields: language.lang
Added by Bit Master over 12 years ago.
Updated over 12 years ago.
I'm on 64-bit Gentoo Linux and downloaded the .deb file. After extracting the files and running DLAN.GUI it immediately crashes with the error below:
libprotobuf FATAL google/protobuf/] CHECK failed: IsInitialized(): Can't serialize message of type "Protos.GUI.Language" because it is missing required fields: language.lang
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'google::protobuf::FatalException'
what(): CHECK failed: IsInitialized(): Can't serialize message of type "Protos.GUI.Language" because it is missing required fields: language.lang
I currently have installed: dev-libs/protobuf-2.4.0a
I also checked out the sources from the repository and tried to build it from scratch. The building succeeds :), but sadly it also crashes with the same error as above.
Hi, can you try the last version of the 1.1 branch, I just committed a little change.
You can also add this following line in the beginning of the constructor of 'MainWindow' in "application/GUI/MainWindow.cpp":
L_DEBU(QString("current language name: \"%1\"").arg(QLocale::system().name()));
Then compile, run and look the GUI logs in "~/.d-lan/log_gui", you should have something like that:
2012-08-07 20:09:10.151 [Debug] {GUI} (140097497544576) <MainWindow.cpp:64> : current language name: "en_US"
EDIT: You have to compile in debug mode from QtCreator or with this command from the 'application' directory:
qmake && make -f Makefile-GUI
- Priority changed from Normal to High
You're the best! Thank you, it works after checking out the 1.1 branch :)
I didn't test with the debug statement, but if you wish I will still do that.
- Status changed from New to Closed
If you have some time, the result of "QLocale::system().name()" may be interesting because the documentation says it should return "language_country" but doesn't say it can return anything else as in your case.
Here you are :) Tnx again.
2012-08-08 17:37:03.342 [Debug] {GUI} (140210611922784) <MainWindow.cpp:64> : current language name: "C"
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