


Guidelines » History » Revision 5

Revision 4 (Greg Burri, 06/23/2009 10:22 AM) → Revision 5/24 (Greg Burri, 07/07/2009 03:07 PM)

h1. Guidelines 

 h2. Documentation 

 * Use of ' when referencing a name like 'myVar' 
 * Use of " when referencing a value like "my string" 

 h2. Coding 

 h3. Comment 

 h2. Version number 

 A version number has three numbers plus a tag : 
 _<a>.<b>.<c> <tag>_ 

 _<a>_ : Major version 
 _<b>_ : Evolution 
 _<c>_ : Revision 
 _<tag>_ : alpha | beta | <nothing> 

 For example : 
 * _1.0 alpha_ first version 
 * _1.0 beta_ 
 * _1.0_ stable version 
 * _1.0.1_ first revision (bugfix) 
 * _1.0.2_ second revision 
 * _1.1 alpha_ first evolution 
 * _1.1 beta_ 
 * _1.1_ 
 * _1.1.1_ 
 * etc..