


Howtos - Hack on Windows » History » Revision 34

Revision 33 (Adrien Crivelli, 10/05/2010 11:33 AM) → Revision 34/102 (Adrien Crivelli, 10/05/2010 02:40 PM)

h1. Howtos 

 h2. Hack on Windows Seven 

 You need to : 

 # Install _Tortoise Git_ : 
 ## Kind of SSH Client : TortoisePLink 
 # Install _msysgit_ (needed by _Tortoise Git_) :  
 ## Use Unix style end line. 
 ## Do not install in "Program files" or in a path which contains spaces. We recommend to install in @C:\git@. 
 # If you want an access to the master repository : generate a RSA 2048 bit with _Puttygen_ (come with tortoisegit) and send it to a project manager. 
 # Install _Qt SDK_ (Qt creator is included) : . 
 ## Copy and rename @C:\Qt\2010.02.1\mingw\bin\mingw32-make@ to @make@ (needed by protocol buffer). 
 # Add @C:\Qt\2010.02.1\mingw\bin;C:\Qt\2010.02.1\qt\bin@ to your _path_ environment variable. 
 # Install proto buff library source 
 ## Download the source zip here : and unzip in @C:\protobuf@ 
 ## Correct the file @subprocess.h@ as described here : 
 ## Launch "Git bash" and go to @/c/protobuf@ then type :  
 ### @./configure@ 
 ### @make@ 
 ## Add to your path this directory : @C:\protobuf\src@ to reach executable _protoc_. 
 ## For each component which uses protobuf, you have to define a Build Environment Variable @PROTOBUF@ set to @C:\protobuf@ 
 # Git clone the repository :  
 ## _git:// if you just want clone the repository. 
 ## _ssh:// if you have a full access (read+write). 
 # Generate the sources for the .proto files 
 ## Launch "Git bash" and go to @aybabtu/application@ 
 ## Type @./ (each time you modify the .proto files you have to run this script) 
 # Set up _Qt Creator_ 
 ## TODO 

 h2. Hack on Linux 

 h3. ArchLinux 

 You need to : 

 # Install required programs 
 ## Git : pacman -S git 
 ## protobuf : pacman -S protobuf  
 ## Qt creator : pacman -S qtcreator 
 # Git clone the repository 
 ## _git:// if you just want clone the repository. 
 ## _ssh:// if you have a full access (read+write). 

 h3. Ubuntu 

 # Get required tools<pre>sudo Run following commands<pre>sudo apt-get install qtcreator g++ protobuf-compiler git 
 cd /tmp 
 tar -jxvf ./protobuf-2.3.0.tar.bz2 
 cd protobuf-2.3.0 
 ./configure --prefix=/usr 
 make check 
 sudo make install 
 # Get source code<pre> 
 git clone git:// aybabtu 
 cd aybabtu/application 

 h2. Generate the documentation 

 The code documentation is generated with "Doxygen": You must also install "Graphviz": to enable the diagram generation. 

 A daily generated documentation can be found here : ("errors": 

 To locally build the documentation you just have to install Doxygen and Graphviz. The configuration file is located here : source:/doc/doxygen/Doxyfile it can be opened by the graphic utility _Doxywizard_ or by the command line @doygen Doxyfile@. The documentation will be generated in @/doc/doxygen/html@.