


Howtos - Hack on Windows » History » Revision 82

Revision 81 (Greg Burri, 06/01/2012 11:25 PM) → Revision 82/102 (Greg Burri, 06/05/2012 09:58 PM)

h1. Howtos - Hack on Windows Seven 

 You need to: 

 # Install _Tortoise Git_ : 
 ## Kind of SSH Client : TortoisePLink 
 # Install _msysgit_ (needed by _Tortoise Git_) :  
 ## Do not install in "Program files" or in a path which contains spaces. We recommend to install in @C:\git@. 
 # If you want an access to the master repository : generate a RSA 2048 bit with _Puttygen_ (come with tortoisegit) and send it to a project manager. 
 # Install _Qt 4.8.x_ from 
 # Install _Qt Creator_ from 
 # Install the latest version of MinGW from GCC version 4.6.x or superior is required. 
 # Add @<path to mingw>\mingw\bin;<path to qt>\bin@ to your _path_ environment variable. 
 # Optional: It's now possible to recompile all Qt, see the section _Custom Qt compilation_ below. 
 # Install proto buff library source 
 ## Download the source zip here (2.4.x) : and unzip in @C:\protobuf@ 
 ## Launch "Git Bash" and go to @/c/protobuf@ then type :  
 ### @export MAKE=mingw32-make@ 
 ### @./configure CXXFLAGS=-O2 --enable-shared=no@ 
 ### @mingw32-make@ 
 ## Add to your path these directories : @C:\protobuf\src\;C:\protobuf\src\.libs@ to reach executable _protoc_ and library _libprotobuf.a_. 
 # Git clone the repository :  
 ## _git:// if you just want clone the repository (read-only). 
 ## if you have a full access (read+write). 
 # Generate the sources for the .proto files 
 ## Launch "Git bash" and go to @d-lan/application@ 
 ## Type @./ (each time you modify the .proto files you have to run this script) 
 # Set up _Qt Creator_ 
 ## Launch Qt Creator 
 ## Open the projects @d-lan/application/ and @d-lan/application/ 
 ## For both projects: 
 ### Uncheck _Shadow build_ in the _Build Settings_ tab. 
 ### Add the argument @debug -f Makefile-Core@ to _Make_ for the build configuration _Debug_ and @release -f Makefile-Core@ for the build configuration _Release_. Replace _'Core'_ by _'GUI'_ for the _GUI_ project. 
 ## Add @-e@ as an argument and check[1] @Run in terminal@ in the _Run Settings_ tab of the _Core_ project. 
 ## You can now compile and run the two projects. 

 fn1. Without this option the Core cannot be launched in debug mode (stderr cannot be used). 

 h2. Custom Qt compilation 

 h3. Goals 

 * Add the support of _C++11_, it can improve a bit the performances, see for more information. 
 * Recompile Qt with a more recent version of _GCC_. Qt binaries are released compiled with GCC 4.4. 
 * Remove unused components and reduce the size of _DLL_ files. 


 h3. Steps 

 * Add @QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -std=gnu++0x@ at the end of the file @mkspecs/win32-g++-4.6/qmake.conf@ 

 * Configure Qt with the following command 
 ./configure.exe -ltcg -opensource -debug-and-release -platform win32-g++-4.6 -nomake demos -nomake examples -qt-style-windowsxp -qt-style-windowsvista -no-style-plastique -no-style-cleanlooks -no-style-motif -no-style-cde -no-qt3support -no-opengl -no-accessibility -no-native-gestures 

 * Then compile with the command @mingw32-make@