Howtos - Run D-LAN as a deamon » History » Revision 3
Revision 2 (Greg Burri, 12/16/2012 11:30 AM) → Revision 3/4 (Greg Burri, 12/16/2012 01:53 PM)
h1. Howtos - Run D-LAN as a deamon h2. Linux The current version (1.1) doesn't have a @init.d@ script. Despite this, it is easy to launch a detached instance of D-LAN without using tools like _screen_. After installing D-LAN you can use this command to register it as a service: <pre> sudo d-lan-core -i [account] [password] </pre> Where @account@ and @password@ are optional parameters. Then you can run d-lan by just typing: <pre> d-lan-core </pre> You can stop it with @d-lan-core -t@ and know its status with @d-lan-core -v@. To remotely control the core with D-LAN.GUI you have to define a password with the following command. The core must be stopped. [TODO: generate password] <pre> d-lan-core --pass <a password> </pre> h2. Windows After D-LAN installation is complete, go to @Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services@. Open the properties of D-LAN Core and set the _Startup type_ from _Manual to Automatic_.