


LogManager » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (Greg Burri, 07/28/2009 03:50 PM) → Revision 2/14 (Greg Burri, 07/28/2009 03:54 PM)

h1. LogManager 

 * Each event has a level  
 ** EndUser 
 ** Debug (only in debug mode) 
 ** Warning 
 ** Error 
 ** Fatal error 
 * Each event has a module. For example : 'Gui', 'Network', etc. 

 h2. LogViewer 

 _LogViewer_ is a little standalone application to read the log. Here is a description of the GUI elements. 

 * A list of entries 
 ** Each entry shows show a time, a severity level, a component name and a message 
 * A text zone to apply a filter (searchin in message) 
 * A button to pause 
 * A combobox to filter by severity 
 * A combobox to filter by module